Stress is one of the greatest triggers to get you to smoke a cigarette. After you quit, if you don’t manage stress in a healthy way, you may begin to smoke again. Exercise is the healthy way to manage stress. By exercising you metabolize and remove stress hormones such as Cortisol and Norepinephrine from the blood stream. In addition when you exercise your body releases endorphins, which make you feel good. Overall, exercise is the best way to relieve stress and clear the mind. Good exercise habits will help you maintain your weight, relieve stress, reduce anxiety, boost self esteem, promote better sleep and keep you feeling good. If you don’t exercise, you need to start. If you have any health problems, consult your medical doctor before starting any exercise program. Start slowly with a walk or a bike ride. If ten minutes is all you can do, Great! Little steps lead to Great Accomplishments. Take it easy don’t over do it, but continue to increase the time period. If you feel pain stop and consult a physician. Try to develop a healthy exercise routine, exercising three times a week, 30 minutes a day. Aerobic exercise is highly recommended, increasing your heart rate and breathing will improve circulation and oxygenate your blood more. This type of exercise is the best to rehabilitate a smoker. In less than one year, you will regain your lung function and your blood pressure will lower. You will feel healthier and have a lot more energy. After you have quit smoking you may want to lift weights in addition to aerobic exercise to build and tone your muscles. This will also help you maintain your weight. The more muscle mass a person has, the more calories are needed to provide energy to them and maintain them.
Home » Preparing the Mind and Body to Quit Smoking » Preparing to Quit Smoking : Developing Healthy Exercise Routine
Steps to Prepare you to quit Smoking
Relaxation Techniques
Time to Quit Smoking
Additional Help to Quit Smoking
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